Pocket Champs

📢 2024 Updates Preview - Friends, Gears, Boosters. Are you in?

Dev Diary

It’s happening!! We’re revealing this year’s big updates! 🎉

Spoiler warning: It’s going to be AWESOME. Scroll down to see what the team has been cooking!! 🔥

This year, we are focusing our efforts on making you “Feel like a Coach”!

You’ll decide how to customize your Champ’s Power, activate special items during races, choose various passive skills to take advantage of random Speed Zones and be rewarded for showing affection towards your Champ!

Did we forget anything? Oh, right, the highly anticipated social features and multiplayer modes! That’s coming too, so let’s check it all out below!

⚠️ All names and images shown below are not final! Plans and concepts may change before release.

Keep up with your friends and race together! We’re introducing a new way to enjoy Pocket Champs!

Our next major update will add the first in-game Social features, starting with a Friend list to invite your friends, keep up with each other’s progress and showcase your triumphs in your own Coach Profile!

Of course this will all lead up to the release of Clubs later in 2024. Cooperation? Competition? This new Pocket Champs experience will be defined in future news! What do you hope to see the most?

Become best buddies with your Champ! We’re simplifying Power and introducing the Relationship meter!

What do we mean with simplifying Power? Just making it more obvious how it works while giving you the same agency as a Coach in how to make your Champ unique through training!

That’s why we’ll also introduce Relationship actions. The more you spend time with your Champ and take good care of them, the better they’ll perform during races! So keep it up!

Make your Champ 100% unique! With Gears, you’ll get to optimize your Champ’s Power after training!

Gears are accessories that your Champ can permanently equip to not only gain extra Power, but also activate passive bonuses in various ways (such as going through Speed Zones)! Find, upgrade and swap them at will to find the perfect combo of bonuses!

Stuck on a specific race and don’t want to train your Champ for 3 hours? How fortunate, that’s exactly where Boosters come in! When they’re available, activate them yourself for a short speed boost when the time is right!

Expect the unexpected! With Speed Zones, we intend to make every race unpredictable and exciting!

Speed Zones will be special parts of a race track that react to the Gears you equip for your Champ. They may boost your speed, slow you down or simply do nothing - and the same goes for your opponents!

Having trouble winning a race? Speed Zones are different with every attempt, so there’s always next time!

Of course, there’s always more! We’ve only talked about this year’s big updates, but you can expect several content releases adding new Shapes or Gadgets, as well as new limited-time events!

We hope you look forward to experimenting with everything we’ve teased today!

Remember that this was just an early look at what we are working on. You can expect many more details for each of these concepts as we get closer to launch.

Until then, please come share your thoughts on Discord, Facebook or our other social pages!

Let’s shape the future together, Coaches!


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    Published on April 4, 2024.